Wednesday, January 23, 2008

WebKinz' Kid

He told me last night that he had "four friends" now on Webkinz. Goodness, is this the start of his "Facebook" addiction? :)


Anonymous said...

LOL. Mr. Smarty Pants!

Susan's 365 said...

Too funny. They grow up say too fast don't they?

Emily said...

Ooo, my kids are on Webkinz too...and addicted to it. LOL

Mary said...


We've avoided the webkinz so far, but who knows how long that will last...

LotoFoto said...

My kids LOVE webkinz. Be is addicting! Tess loves Quizzy's Word Challenge... really good for her spelling.

Tink said...

And so it begins. Dun, dun, duuuuuun.

Tiffany said...

We are addicted to Webkins too!