Friday, January 11, 2008

Fun At Chuck E. Cheese

I had my nephew, Jared, for the day, so I took them to one of their favorite places. Yes, it cost a bunch, but it was so worth it. I just took a book and read for a couple hours while they entertained themselves.


Melly said...

Very cute picture. They really LOOK like cousins. :)

Emily said...

They are both flipping adorable!

More power to you for braving Chuck E Cheese...LOL

Tiffany said...

You are one brave Momma!Amd I agree with Agent M, they do look like cousins, God is amazing!

Chelle Y. said...

The funny thing, Tiffany, (M knows this already) is that Brendan is adopted, so he is not even blood related to Jarebear. :)

God works in mysterious ways sometimes.